What to Do After a Car Accident in Austin, Texas

A car accident can turn your life upside down in a blink of an eye. In the aftermath of a serious injury accident, it can be difficult to know what to do to protect yourself. The Austin car accident lawyers of the Loewy Law Firm know all-too-well the struggles that individuals face after a crash, so we’ve provided the following information to hopefully help you get back on track to a full recovery.

Woman with neck pain after a car accident

If you have been involved in a car accident in Texas, we strongly recommend you take the following steps:

Seek Medical Attention Right Away

Your No. 1 concern after a car accident should be your health and safety. The amount of medical care you need depends on the extent of your injuries, so you need to determine whether the emergency room is necessary. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, you should follow up with your doctor after the accident. While you may not feel pain right away, you could have suffered a traumatic brain injury or another injury that is sometimes slow to have symptoms surface.

Report the Accident to the Police

Failing to report a car accident that results in injury or death is illegal in Texas. Under state law, the motorist who is involved in an accident that results in injuries or death is required to:

  • Stop the vehicle at the accident scene.
  • Determine whether the individual involved in the accident requires emergency medical aid. 
  • Give notice of the accident to the police.

When the police get to the accident scene and file a report, make sure you provide complete and accurate information. You may request a copy of the police report at a later date. Police reports can identify specifics of the car accident, such as the date, location, time of day, and weather conditions. A police report also offers a preliminary assessment of fault.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance company of the accident as soon as possible. Texas is an at-fault state, which means the amount of compensation an individual’s insurer pays out for an accident is based on the percentage of responsibility they have for the accident. 

Do Not Admit Fault

Following a car accident, you should speak to the other parties involved to get their information and to make sure they are OK. Never admit fault or say you are sorry. This could later be used against you in court.

Collect Evidence if Possible

When you are waiting for police to arrive, use your phone to take pictures of the position of the vehicles before they are moved and damage to the vehicles. It’s also important to get photos of your injuries and any road hazards that might have contributed to the accident. 

See if any traffic cameras may have recorded the accident. Video footage can be strong evidence to support your claim. Collect the contact information of any witnesses who saw the accident. 

Do Not Give the Insurance Company a Recorded Statement 

Keep in mind that the insurance companies are your opponents after a car accident. They have teams of high-powered attorneys, adjusters, and investigators who make every effort to deny or undermine your claim.

The insurance adjuster will ask questions that attempt to get you to say something that will compromise your claim. Talk to an experienced Austin attorney before you think about providing a recorded statement. Your lawyer can ensure that all communication with the insurance adjuster is skillfully handled and with your best interests at heart. A skilled attorney will work hard to build a case that puts you in the best position possible to recover maximum compensation. 

Keep a Pain Journal

Memories fade over time. Car accident victims may even suffer from amnesia or a loss of consciousness and cannot remember everything about the accident. Insurance companies will need to know how long you’ve been in pain with injuries from the car accident. It can be difficult to remember all the details, especially if you sustained multiple types of injuries. 

Providing answers that are inaccurate will damage your credibility and could harm your case. It’s critical to have a pain diary that you update regularly. A pain diary is a written account that demonstrates how the accident has impacted your life. These details can help support your claim for compensation.

Keep Track of Medical Records

Medical records and all documents you receive from your doctors, therapists, and other healthcare providers represent a timeline of your recovery. This timeline includes the initial diagnosis, treatment plan, and stages of recovery. When a doctor reviews your documents, they can see how much progress you have made. These documents can also be a valuable source of evidence when you file an injury claim.

Contact an Experienced Lawyer

If you have been hurt in a car accident, the highly skilled and compassionate Austin personal injury attorneys at Loewy Law Firm are ready to help.

For over 15 years, we have fought on behalf of injured clients in Austin and the surrounding areas. No matter the circumstances of the accident, our Austin accident lawyers will take the time to get to know you and your case. Our team will fight to protect your rights and seek the full and fair compensation you deserve. Contact now for a free and confidential consultation.